How to implement change following co-design

Co-design is a waste of time if it doesn’t result in change

All co-design activities should lead to change of some description.

A co-design process that doesn't lead to observable change or a specific outcome is generally a waste of time.

What has happened is you likely either talked about the wrong issues, engaged with the wrong people or proceeded at the wrong time.

The purpose of a co-design process (done correctly) is to make the needs of consumers and the proposed solutions clear and straightforward so that they change something (e.g. launch a new service or refine an existing one).

It's often (relatively) straightforward to identify issues and propose solutions. It gets a little more complicated when prioritising the 'right' solution, while the journey from concept to implementation can be even more challenging.

This blog will discuss the steps from developing solutions on paper to preparing them for real-world implementation. We will also outline a typical roadmap that will help guide the 'business end' of your co-design project.

Translating co-design findings to an operational service model is complex

The shift from developing to implementing solutions is complex. Sometimes, co-design happens in a vacuum, without considering the changes an organisation needs to make or the constraints that exist to operationalise service models designed during a co-design process.

To set yourself up for the greatest chance of success (i.e. operationalising a service model that responds to identified needs) it pays to get really practical and apply an implementation lens.

Where are we at this point of the Double Diamond?

The Double Diamond framework helps clarify the difference between convergent and divergent thinking. The framework is commonly used in co-design processes and consists of four phases: discover, define, develop, and deliver (read more here).

An image of the double diamond framework

The framework is also useful for conceptualising how a co-design process should be focussed on moving from issue identification to a tangible solution. The phases of the Double Diamond include:

  • Discover: research and gather insights to understand the problem.

  • Define: focus on the specific problem that needs solving.

  • Develop: come up with a range of ideas and solutions.

  • Deliver: refine and implement the most suitable solution(s).

What we are talking about in this blog is the 'deliver' phase of the Double Diamond – something that is often a co-designer's afterthought.

'Deliver' – a new phase in your co-design project

The 'deliver' phase is where the rubber hits the road in your co-design process. It is where the detailed planning work commences, preparing a service model to transition from concept into something that can be operationalised. During this phase, it is likely that you'll involve people who haven't been involved in the co-design project so far (or have only been involved in a workshop here or there).

The 'deliver' phase of a co-design project in many ways should be treated as a new project. Outputs of the co-design process need to be communicated with the people responsible for making changes in service delivery, from management down to the front line.

A typical roadmap for moving from concept to delivery

You've identified the problems, brainstormed the solutions, and you're excited to get started on making changes happen in your organisation.

But before you dive into delivering a program or service that is well-needed, there are some steps that you'll likely need to navigate.

Think of it as a series of checkpoints your team must pass through to ensure that your project is not just well-intended but also well-executed.


Checkpoint 1: prioritising solutions to progress

Your co-design process has likely resulted in a long list of potential actions that could be progressed. The first step that you need to take is to run a process that prioritises which solution/s will advance and which ones will be moved to the backlog for action at a later date.

Although there would be many options in doing this, some logical steps to help you get there would include:

  • List solutions: compile all generated solutions in one place (virtual whiteboard, shared document and physical butcher's paper).

  • Define criteria: identify what makes a solution viable. Criteria may include cost, impact, feasibility, alignment with strategy and organisational readiness.

  • Rate solutions: score each solution against the criteria. Use a scale, such as 1 to 5, for each criterion. You could use an online survey tool or virtual whiteboard here to streamline the process.

  • Calculate: add up the scores for each solution in accordance with the selection criteria.

  • Rank: sort the solutions based on their total scores, giving visibility of which domains they scored highest on.

  • Discuss: involve stakeholders in a meeting to review the rankings. This ensures collective agreement and buy-in.

  • Finalise: select a few top-ranking solutions for immediate action based on the gathered data and discussion.

  • Document: record the reasoning behind the chosen solutions.

Checkpoint 2: finalising prioritised solution concepts

At the second checkpoint, the focus shifts to finalising the shortlist of solutions. While the earlier steps helped narrow down options based on predefined criteria, this stage allows for a more in-depth evaluation. It's here that new information often emerges, necessitating further consideration before moving into detailed planning.

Stakeholders may bring in additional data or insights that weren't initially available. This could include new research findings, policy changes or even shifts in consumer behaviour that might impact the effectiveness of a solution. Given this dynamic environment, being flexible and willing to re-evaluate your shortlist is key while staying true to the insights generated from your co-design process.

Before diving into the intricacies of each solution, it's crucial to have a high-level view of what the solution will entail. You can refer to our other blog about 'turning co-design into tangible service models' for an in-depth look at various frameworks that could be employed at this stage.

Whether it's a program logic, consumer journey map, service blueprint, or conceptual model, these formats allow you to visualise the solution quickly and understand what is involved.

Remember, the aim is to conclude this checkpoint with a polished set of solutions that not only align with your standards but also have sufficient information for you to assess their implementation needs.

Checkpoint 3: developing detailed program guidance

In checkpoint 3, 'developing detailed guidance,' the emphasis is on fleshing out the specifics of your chosen solutions. While conceptual models or service blueprints offer a high-level view, they usually don't provide enough detail for implementation. This is particularly true if your team is directly responsible for delivering the solution rather than commissioning it.

At this stage, more comprehensive documents come into play, such as program manuals, service guidelines, and service frameworks. These documents serve as a roadmap, detailing exactly what is involved in delivering the program or service. For the team in charge of delivery, this phase often entails additional work, sometimes significantly so. This "big lift" could involve tasks like outlining workflows, drafting procedural steps, setting KPIs, and determining resource allocation (amongst many others).

The objective is to make the guidance as detailed as necessary to facilitate smooth execution. It's about closing the gap between the high-level concept and the on-the-ground reality, ensuring that the team has all the information they need to implement the solution effectively.

Checkpoint 4: implementation planning

At the 'Implementation Planning' checkpoint, you build a comprehensive roadmap for action. This involves creating a detailed plan that includes key activities like recruiting staff and managing change. The plan also addresses essential aspects such as budgeting, risk assessment, and quality assurance. Timelines, responsibilities, and review milestones are set to guide your team through efficient and effective implementation.

Additionally, a good implementation plan should cover both monitoring and evaluation as well as communication. For monitoring and evaluation, you need to identify key performance indicators (KPIs) that align with your goals. This could be client satisfaction levels, cost-effectiveness, or other relevant metrics. Regular check-ins and evaluations should be scheduled to assess whether the service or program is meeting its objectives and to make any necessary adjustments.

Communication is another critical factor. A structured communication plan should be put in place to keep all stakeholders informed. This might involve regular updates via email, scheduled meetings, or progress reports. Keeping everyone in the loop not only fosters transparency but also encourages valuable input and feedback.

Document and communicate

Throughout this journey, the importance of documentation and regular communication can't be overstated. Each checkpoint serves not just as a milestone but also as a moment for alignment and reassessment.

And there you have it. By diligently navigating these checkpoints, your team will be armed with more than good intentions. You'll have a thoroughly planned, fully articulated roadmap for meaningful implementation. Happy journeying!

If you're keen to dive deeper into how co-design can revolutionise your service delivery, make your next stop our co-design home page.


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