Our blog

We believe in sharing the knowledge and learnings we capture through our work with people and organisations across the health and social services sectors. 

Our blog consists of thoughtful and practical content and insight across a range of topic areas that aims to better enable people and organisations to plan, design, implement and evaluate their work.

Developing service models that address the drivers of situational distress

We share some insights drawn from a project we recently undertook in reviewing a PHN-funded situational distress service model — these insights aim to help both commissioning agencies and service provider organisations consider how to design more compassionate service models that address situational distress and contribute to suicide prevention outcomes.

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Service design, Insights Guest User Service design, Insights Guest User

So, what is ‘good’ co-design?

Co-design is quite topical in the health and social services sectors and there can be some confusion about what co-design is, and probably more so what it isn’t and what is involved in a true co-design process.  Actually breaking down the word ‘co-design’ can help to develop a clear understanding of what it is.

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