As the 22-23 financial year has drawn to a close, we at Beacon Strategies are grateful for the multitude of organisations we have had the privilege of collaborating with. Each of these organisations shares our commitment to creating a more impactful social purpose sector. While it has been customary for us to reflect on our accomplishments at the end of the calendar year, we have realised that doing this at the conclusion of each financial year, better aligns with the project lifecycle. This dedicated time for reflection allows us to appreciate the remarkable progress we have made as an organisation and showcases the extensive scale and scope of the work we have been entrusted to deliver.

We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to every organisation that has granted us the opportunity to collaborate and contribute to their mission. It is the collective efforts and shared dedication that have made our achievements possible.

As we embark on the new 23-24 financial year, we look forward to continued partnerships and endeavours that are equally rewarding and meaningful. Together, we will create lasting positive change and further strengthen the social purpose sector.

Primary Health Networks (PHNs) and Local Health Networks (LHNs)

We are stoked to highlight the incredible projects we have undertaken in collaboration with Primary Health Networks (PHNs) and Local Health Networks across Australia in the last financial year. At Beacon Strategies, we deeply understand and appreciate the health sector's pivotal role in delivering optimal health outcomes for local communities. We take great pride in showcasing the remarkable initiatives we have undertaken together, as we strive to ensure that patients receive the proper care, in the right place, and at the right time:

  1. Brisbane North PHN - Commissioning early intervention initiatives to support healthy ageing and ongoing management of chronic conditions

  2. Brisbane South PHN - Palliative Care 3-Year Action Plan

  3. Capital Health Network - Review of Capital Health Network's COVID-19 response

  4. Central and Eastern Sydney PHN - Integrated Mental Health Hub Co-design

  5. Gold Coast PHN - Community Suicide Prevention Service Review

  6. Metro South Health - Operationalisation of the Metro South Health Equity Strategy

  7. North Coast PHN - North Coast mental healthy literacy project

  8. Northern Queensland PHN - developed a First 1,000 days of life framework

  9. Northern Queensland PHN - Implementation of the Cairns and Hinterland Suicide Prevention Community Action Plan

  10. Northern Queensland PHN - Implementation of the Torres and Cape Suicide Prevention Community Action Plan

  11. Northern Queensland PHN - Situational analysis to inform the development of Northern Queensland PHN's Chronic Conditions Strategy

  12. Northern Queensland PHN - Wheels of Wellness Review

  13. Northern Territory PHN - Development of an organisational strategic plan

  14. Western QLD PHN - Greater Choices for At Home Palliative Care service mapping project

Not-for-profit organisations

Equally, we are just as proud of partnering with such a committed bunch of not-for-profit organisations over the past year supporting the delivery of better services, growing their organisational capability and measuring their impact in areas such as mental health and suicide prevention, aged care, child protection and family support, community health and social inclusion:

  1. Act For Kids - Evaluation of Individual Support Services program

  2. ARAFMI - facilitation support regarding approaches to partnered advocacy

  3. Brook RED - development of an organisational strategic plan

  4. Community Information Support Service - Australian South Sea Islander Link Worker Evaluation

  5. Drug ARM - First Nations Alcohol and Other Drugs Co-design project

  6. Drug ARM - Residential Rehabilitation Service Design for Drug Arm

  7. Epilepsy Queensland - pilot and develop a consumer engagement approach

  8. Epilepsy Queensland - program logic and evaluation training workshops

  9. Epilepsy Smart Australia - develop a nationally consistent consumer journey

  10. Epilepsy Smart Australia - Peer support pilot Evaluation

  11. Empower Autism - peer mentor supervision and management framework

  12. Inala Primary Care - development of an organisational strategic plan

  13. Karakan - Data mapping project

  14. Multicultural Communities Council Gold Coast - aged care consumer journey mapping project

  15. Northern Rivers Community Gateway - Spontaneous Volunteers evaluation

  16. Office of Industrial Relations - review of the Healthy Worker Initiative

  17. Open Futures - facilitation support for strategic planning workshops

  18. Queensland Alliance for Mental Health - development of a Culture Measurement Process

  19. Roses in The Ocean - community-led Safe Spaces evaluation

  20. Roses in The Ocean - development of an organisational impact measurement framework

  21. Wesley Mission Queensland - city hub scoping project

  22. Women's Centre FNQ - development of an organisational strategic plan

  23. Youturn - development of a lived experience framework for StandBy Support After Suicide Lived

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all our valued clients who have entrusted us with their projects and collaborations over the past 12 months. Your partnership and shared commitment have been instrumental in driving meaningful change and making a positive impact in your communities.

Hear about our latest project news and gather valuable tips via our social channels.


Building In-house Evaluation Competence: A Strategic Collaboration with a Not-for-profit Organisation


Strategic Plan January 2022: June 30, 2023