Meet Bella, our Marketing and Communications Coordinator

Meet our Marketing and Communications Coordinator Bella McIntyre!

Bella joined us all the way from New Zealand in May this year, bringing her experience in communications and social media spanning stints within the professional services and not-for-profit sectors. Read on to learn more about her…

Briefly describe your professional journey so far…

I’m from Wellington, New Zealand and moved to Australia in March of this year. I have worked in a range of corporate sectors, including government, investment and commercial law, focusing on communications, marketing and social media. I have also had some experience in not-for-profit organisations on a volunteer basis,

What are you passionate about?

I love helping organisations find their voice and build a community. I think it’s really important for audiences to be able to get a genuine sense of an organisation’s values and I love creating communications or content that reflects that. 

Why did you join the Beacon Strategies team?

I really liked how driven and clear Beacon was with the direction they wanted to take the organisation and that they really want to make a genuine positive change. I also really liked the openness and willingness Beacon has to try new things, which I found very refreshing!

What technical skills do you bring to Beacon?

I have a pretty broad range of skills but a lot of my experience lies in communications and social media planning and creation. I love the broadness of marketing and communications, you can try so many different things, so it’s hard to pick out a few favourite activities, but currently, I’m enjoying video and website creation and event planning! 

What do you hope to achieve in your first year with Beacon?

I would love to help Beacon become comfortable in utilising a wider range of activities such as video creation and regular events. I think Beacon is currently in the perfect space to experiment and get a feel for what works best. 

What do you like to get up to in your spare time/ what hobbies do you enjoy?

Being new to Australia I am loving exploring Queensland! We do a lot of camping so I am getting to see some beautiful areas. Other than that I am usually at the gym, eating, reading or baking! 


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