Our blog

We believe in sharing the knowledge and learnings we capture through our work with people and organisations across the health and social services sectors. 

Our blog consists of thoughtful and practical content and insight across a range of topic areas that aims to better enable people and organisations to plan, design, implement and evaluate their work.

PHN News: Financial inclusion, health equity and the role of PHNs

Primary Health Networks exist to streamline health services, particularly for those at risk of poor health outcomes and to better coordinate care so people receive the right care, in the right place, at the right time. Given this, there is a great deal to learn from each other about how community members who are socioeconomically disadvantaged access, navigate and experience the health system.

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Insights, Health planning Guest User Insights, Health planning Guest User

Regional barriers to financial inclusion and health - part 1: the desktop research

In February this year, Beacon Strategies Director, Elliot Parkinson attended a Financial Inclusion conference and presented on the regional barriers to financial inclusion and health. The contents of this presentation have now been transformed into the following two-part blog series about financial inclusion and its connection to the concept of health equity.

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What can Primary Health Networks do to strengthen mental health literacy?

Through the experiences and insights shared with us during a project to strengthen the responsiveness of health service to the mental health literacy needs of the community, we thought there was value in unpacking what mental health literacy is, exploring how it can be built in communities, and discussing the role of health services. 

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