Collaborative Facilitation Process for ARAFMI

Status: Completed May 2023

Client: ARAFMI


ARAFMI is a non-profit organisation that provides support and education services to people with mental health needs, their families and carers.

We were engaged by ARAFMI to facilitate a collaborative conversation between ARAFMI, Health Consumers Queensland, Queensland Alliance for Mental Health and Mental Health Lived Experience Peak Queensland team members regarding a collaborative approach to System Advocacy.


We prepared to facilitate a two-part conversation, the first with the CEOs from the organisations involved, and the second with key staff from each of the organisations. The idea was to identify shared issues and opportunities for system advocacy and plan for how they could work together around system advocacy in the future.

Impact alignment

Our role in facilitating conversations between the CEOs and key staff of prominent mental health organisations, helped to foster collaboration and unified advocacy for key issues in the mental health space. We strongly believe in collaboration between the social sectors and a shared approach to identifying issues and opportunities regarding system advocacy enhances the collective impact of each organisation and promotes positive system-level changes.


The output of both conversations (CEO and key staff) was captured through a succinct reporting product that will be used as a starting point for collaborative system advocacy work.

If you are interested in facilitation for your organisation, please get in touch with us here.


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